when you are ready for intelligent politics

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World Peace is soon here

World Peace will lead to an intelligent union. It will soon be here.
Let’s continue on https://peacecompassionunderstanding.wordpress.com/2019/10/16/how-to-do-yoga-meditation-the-maitreya-way-and-how-to-create-world-peace-quickly/ !


WHO IS QUALIFIED TO RULE MANKIND VanillaMocha ask 6 years ago Apr 05, 2008 – 7:30PM.

I hear you and today I answer you in direct contact with God, Oneness, Universe, Unity and Awakedness in order to save mankind from itself.

Jehovah’s Witnesses are not strictly neutral to world’s politics, because everything affect politics. Society is built on politics and even an animal living in the forest is affected by it. In the name of God – Wake up!

When you state what to do and what not to do with a religious text it is no less political as when politicians do so with an ideology or when a muslim do so with the Koran. It is in no contact with reality or God, because being in contact with God means to deeply listen to God inside and that takes deep contemplation, functioning brain and a functioning heart!

I will explain to you why God’s Kingdom is far superior to any normal human government, you have seen so far, and I am sure most philosophers, including Jesus and scientists will agree.

Clearly campaigning with wealth will not reflect God, force will not reflect God, monarchies with blood descent will not reflect God, nobility will not reflect God, privileged minority will not reflect God or an elite class will not reflect God unless they are chosen by God in the the right way and we all know it.

Democracies will not reflect God unless they follow God. Every form of
authority including religion devised by humans has failed miserably and we know it.

Jesus and many others has proved what contemplation in the desert can do to perfect a man, if not totally, at least very much so. The blind religious followers of such men has proved nothing.

Jesus ability to satisfy man-kind’s needs came from contemplation in the desert. So if I shall not call you a hypocrite, you witness of nothing, then go to the desert and contemplate right now and become a real witness of Jehova!

With insane growth economy, under human rule so far, multitudes of children die of hunger each day, because of the inability to understand the “exponential function”, growth and its consequences. And what did you, you hypocrite do about it? Did you even try to understand it? Or maybe you made it even worse, working for the contrary through religion?

No. We will be able to provide abundant food for all, furnish every family with excellent housing and there will be no unemployment and all will have rewarding work, in balance with nature, but first you have to wake up from religion, ideologies and turn to God and science because with God and science we can do all that and more!

We can today with scientific methods control major storms, the wind and the sea.

We can today with scientific methods provide adequate health care for all and we have more power over illness than ever, also aches and pains that detract from the enjoyment of life and if we manage to be balanced in numbers we will maybe be able to restore the aged to youthful vigor too very soon.

In a democracy we can only end all wars by voting for peaceful leaders and as an individual refusing to invade another country and boycotting any country that does.

Saving the environment has three main components in the equation. 1. Number of people. 2. Level of standard. 3. Available rescourses from nature long-term. All have to be on a balanced level. If one of them goes wrong all goes wrong and then you work not for God but the contrary. If all of them are controlled, all goes right in the name of God, truth and science.

Yes. God will bring ruin to those ruining the earth and already did where they followed religion and over-populated and he does so with scientific mathematical logic.

A peaceful relationship between humans and animals is a reality and science is the very thing that led us there. The earth can be transformed into a paradise but religion must go.

God’s Kingdom by Science and philosophers like Christ, but not by religious, will succeed because it has much less of the weaknesses inherent in human, blind rule.

Only 2% of humans have potential to rule well with right motives and have contact with God. They are super-humans with high intelligence. Follow them! You will know who they are in your hearts and your minds in contemplation!

Religion, politics and authority has been used to mistreat us all, therefore God must be found inside of us and we must let God rule us from the inside through contemplation.


Many Philosophers have existed, many have God inside their words. Now read and contemplate these truths!

As long as these philosophers lives in our minds and in our hearts and we act on them they still exist through us in every moment.

I urge you to grow in your understanding of these facts. Take your action now concerning the One qualified to rule mankind! Wellcome them who are qualified! Even kings are commanded to be subject to them. Learn more about God’s government through God himself in contemlation and help others to do the same!

Experience the blessing that God’s ruling Kingdom is soon here!

Best regards
Martin Gustavsson
Scientific party of Sweden Vetenskapliga partiet

Why “The people not motivated to be lawful” likes David Duke

Anyone who listens on a few episodes of David Duke will maybe wonder why “The few people not motivated to be lawful”, who he describes with very good and interesting facts, does not “take care” of him? … I choose to say “take care” just to put it in a nicer way…

Well. My own idea is that they actually like David Duke. Obviously you might ask yourselves “why” if you listened to David Duke talking less good about them.

Just take a look! Anyone who tries to investigate David briefly will actually find the non-objective description of David Duke in English Wikipedia and might then not feel motivated to examine the subject more deeply.

I want to point out that there is no discussion allowed on this Wikipedia site and David cannot even point out where he has been correctly quoted, or not, so we do not know what is correct unless we listen to what he has to say about it himself.

So, as it is, with this, David Duke is at the moment actually “The few less lawful ones” perfect friend and a perfect alibi because of his background in a very well known, less normal, strangely be-hooded, less scientific organization, that he himself confirms being part of, but thank does not seem to support actively today.

So. These facts above are actually the very thing that actually is David’s best security and, at the same time, probably his political curse. All of “The few less lawful” want him alive and maybe these “few less lawful ones” will even try to protect him because of it. He is simply too good to be true for them. He is their very best friend… or should we say a perfect adversary alive?.

But anyone with a brain (yes, they do exist), listening to some of David Duke’s latest creations, will know that the text in English Wikipedia about David Duke is a political document controlled by supporters and politburos working for “The few less lawful ones”, directly or indirectly, and has nothing to do with what David Duke actually represents today. Yes. If you doubt it, then do take a closer look yourself!

And for David Duke, if he reads this, I would like to point out that there are more of the “less lawful ones” and not only “The few less lawful ones” of a “special kind” and they are all involved in what we call The Military-industrial complex and they do not exactly aim for the down-growth we actually need to stay in balance with nature and that is why we will not see peace happening until more intelligent people are in control.

With such good people, with hearts and brains, we will also solve the population matters that we all face together IN A HUMANE WAY.

But let me point out that I do believe the controlled population-down-growth and following world peace will be solved by scientific people with both a higher IQ-level and a keen sense for balance with nature. Yes. It seems scientific people are much more likely to be free thinkers leading themselves and they also seem to be more lawful, for that matter. Let me give you some intelligent people to consider! Sir David Attenborough, Jonathon Porritt or Julian Cribb.

And if I was one of the “The less lawful” with inability to feel oneness with people with different looks, described by David Duke, I would be far more upset with any lawful person with similar background as myself and an obvious higher IQ, like for example Noam Chomsky. Noam Chomsky, one of “their own kind”, as they would see it, condemning “The less lawful ones”, for their actions. You see, Noam is one of the right persons to enlighten the ones who needs enlightenment in this case. Why? Simply because important people will listen better to him because of his background and their own inability to feel oneness with people who look different.

Just listen how he enlightens them! It is wonderful. That is the way to do it.

So excuse me, David, but may I suggest you do continue to talk and quote, and begin to quote good people like Noam, and begin to quote people who describe the possible future in a good way and people who actually present a vision that is nice. Because, you see, David, that the very words we use create our future and that is why I did my best to put my words in a nice way for all of us today.

Take it as a positive inspiration and get a good feeling that I have seen you, I heard you and I understood your fears and I could see your courage and potential for even more courage. In every moment we can only do our best. Nobody is perfect.

So. Thanks in advance to Universe for world peace, happy children with intact arms, legs and fully functioning brains living happily in harmony with nature and with each other and let all people live and let all cultures develop into more humane ways, side by side, all in harmony and in balance!

Best regards
Martin Gustavsson
Political leader
Scientific party of Sweden (Vetenskapliga partiet)

14 questions to William Engdahl about The Hidden Agenda of Genetic Manipulation

Dear William Engdahl It was very interesting to se your youtube-clip The Hidden Agenda of Genetic Manipulation where you condemn GMO, Monsanto and The Rockefeller Foundation. I am personally against all GMO-poisons and planned mass murders if that is what is happening…


We must not complain about the problems we ourselves are creating and in your video I can sense that you avoid talking about the meaning of the words you condemn.

So. I must not only link to your official page but also ask you:

1. Have you seen “the most important video you will ever see“?

2. Have you listened to Doctor Julian Cribb about the coming famine?

3. Have you listened to Jared Diamond about The End of Easter Island?

If not then I suggest that you do. Next.

4. Do you know what happens when people run out of food?

5. Contemplate for a while, breath deeply and answere theese question!

6. You question eugenics and selective sterilization. Why?

7. Are you in favour of children being born healthy and intelligent?

8. Are you in favour of children lying in the wombs of healthy intelligent women?

9. Are you in favour of children living their lives able to understand things?

10. What population numbers do you think is reasonable on this planet and what do you base that number on?

11. Do you believe there is famine when a population outgrows the resources?

12. Are you against women rights and their rights to birth control?

13. Your parents are from the very religious area of Minnesota. Are you religious?

14. Do you want the population to continue to grow exponentially?

Best regards
Martin Gustavsson
Leader of the Scientific party of Sweden

Brain going wrong or balanced? – Meditation better than brain hemorrhage.

Jill Bolte Taylor is a scientist who has experienced the full potential of the brain through a brain hemorrhage and in this article today I would like to connect this with meditation. Later in this article there is a link to an amazing presentation by her.

Now. First I will explain to you how I got into meditation:

I had the luck to get fired with a big bunch of money. I had the luck of making the decision to leave my stressful Norwegian girlfriend. I had the luck of making the decision to travel more slowly. I had the luck of finding good books about meditation and finding good books about success and learning how to lead my own life more effectively. I also had the luck of a good education from Sweden and a mother and a father who raised me well and gave me good knowledge about many things including philosophy and psychology.

And finally I had the luck one day to be so damn hangover that I actually did not want to go out from my little hut in the middle of a Mekong delta in the south of Laos and on this one day I was lucky enough to make the decision to actually try meditation and on this day for the first time in my life I began to receive information that was already there in my mind but still not yet really seen clearly by the logical side of my brain.

Secondly. Now I would like that you begin to understand the potential of meditation:

In meditation we are able to access more of the emotional side of our brain and in this excellent video-clip Jill Bolte Taylor shows you the characteristics of our two brain halves – A powerful stroke of insight.

Third. Now I would like you to continue reading!

Suddenly through my meditation, there in the middle of the harmful alcoholism and the hangover, my consciousness expanded from the size of a golf-ball into the size of a football to give you a reasonable metaphor. I asked my brain: -Why do I drink if I feel sick in the morning and all the answers came to me in a flood from the feeling mind and flooded into my expanded consciousness.

This awareness continued to stay with me from this moment. I began to understand that I was liberated from the culture of drinking, if I wanted to. I began to understand that many people who had been posing as friends were not my real friends. They were detached from oneness.

My emotional side had already picked up on that but I had been too busy being too logical to be able to see it. These false friends had been making money for themselves making other people go places and making them drink too much. A design caused by capitalism and the following greed.

I realized that the loud music was designed to separate me from other people and that suggestions and annoying noises in the music was designed to make me feel depressed, feel separate. the music was designed to make me feel that alcohol in this noise would make me feel better.

Yes. This evil logic controlled the whole setup. Using our emotional mind being more aware in each moment we understand what is the truth and what is best. Being sober and listening to good music dancing with real friends makes us enjoy for real. Good music is very separate from bad music and noises. Alcohol numbs the brain, makes noises less annoying and this is the way evil people make money on unaware people, usually young people.

Having this new awareness I soon decided to quit drinking and with this new expanded consciousness it was very easy. I was very powerful. I felt like a beautiful wolf. I could spot evil in appearance and movements of a person but I could also recognize good all around me. I consciously counted the beers and kept my goal with my new awareness. I drank less and less every day, the beers further apart, more water in between, until I was down on one beer per day. What a total control I had in every moment! It was amazing.

Once you tap in to this massive consciousness you will instinctively feel and put things together that was hidden from you before. Other people will not be able to manipulate you, you will feel what they plan, you will understand instinctively if people care about you or not. You will be enlightened about things that you actually know, but never could see before because you were using your logical mind so frenetically that you basically ignored half of your functional brain that has superior powers in many aspects and one of these powers is to feel what is the truth.

But I would like to add that people who are totally lost in “La La land”, as Jill puts it, could probably do very little good for this world, they might even find it hard to dial a phone number. So after many hours of meditation reaching balance most of us have the potential to reach what I call super-intelligence, and that is why today nobody may enter Intelligent Union or The Scientific party of Sweden without this expanded consciousness. People not using both sides of their brains effectively are actually both lost in a “La La Land” in two different ways.

Scientists are usually lost in the logical “La La Land” using science as their religion, as truth. This is, in fact, no much different than using the bible as a religion. A frozen belief is a frozen belief, it is not a free individual, it is not a powerful wolf.

Jill however is not lost in any of these “La La lands” any more. I believe Jill is now using both brain-halves more effectively and that is also why she may enter Intelligent Union if she wants to.

The only mistake she might be making in her video, if it even should be considered a mistake, is to partly describe her fantastic experience in a somewhat crazy way for scientists, since telling people lost in logical “La La Land”with words that actually could make us look crazy to them might not be advisable if we want to succeed in winning them over to us.

It could actually be better to describe our “hallucinations” in a more dry way for the logical dry mind, but anyway, let’s be positive! Let’s hope it can inspire as many scientists as possible to find awareness anyway and that more logical brains will join us in feeling liberated, huge, powerful and, peaceful in oneness and pure love!

Thanks Jill for your amazing courage and excellent presentation technique.

Best regards
Martin Gustavsson
Leader of Intelligent Union & The Scientific party of Sweden

Congratulations to China adopting a two child policy

China had a One-child policy for a long time. Now China has adopted a two child policy. The Two-child policy came into effect three days ago.

Some think it is too late, mostly people with no knowledge about resources or simply blindly religious, but these blind religious people did not analyze the recourses we have on the planet and did not think long-term, something that is a good ability for a politician or anyone trying to get into it.

Because growth is unfortunately like an impossible hamster that thinks it can double for ever (Youtube-clip 1 min) eventually leading to environmental destruction, wars and cannibalism. So looking at population without looking at resources is down right imbecile and unfortunately there are many of these imbeciles around in western politics and that is what I try to change with the Swedish Scientific party. (Translated to Swedish with google translate)

So I feel I must say congratulations to China for being so successful in lowering the population. If the country now feels ready for balancing with a two child policy I say congratulations again to China and all its people.

Why most scientists should be more critical to science

I am reading an article called No Faith in Science.

I will directly deal with the example in the text to prove the headline and also want to add that this is a phenomenon I encounter from most people claiming to be scientific.

A claim by a so called scientific person is quoted in the article and it goes like this:

“I have strep throat, but I have faith that this penicillin will clear it up.”

Even though the statement it is not traditionally religious I claim this is exactly the same behavior as in the other statements by the obviously blind religious in the article. The statement is intense. It is confident. It is a belief that is not based on deeper understanding of the bacteria nor of the immune system nor of the mind and the body and it does not seek more and complete long-term evidence.

The scientific faith of the person above is indeed based on authority and pharmaceutical scripture to support the scientific claims, and most of the world’s scientific believers would reject any other claim without further investigation just because it is an accepted truth and an accepted treatment.

To state it bluntly, such scientific faith involves pretending to know things you actually know you don’t know and at the same time actually ignoring things you actually do know. if you do not believe me then do investigate it or just think about it deeply in introspection/meditation to get another point of view.

A quote from Gautama Buddha:

Do not go by revelation;
Do not go by tradition;
Do not go by hearsay;
Do not go on the authority of sacred texts;
Do not go on the grounds of pure logic;
Do not go by a view that seems rational;
Do not go by reflecting on mere appearances;
Do not go along with a considered view because you agree with it;
Do not go along on the grounds that the person is competent;
Do not go along because “the recluse is our teacher.”
Kalamas, when you yourselves know: These things are unwholesome, these things are blameworthy; these things are censured by the wise; and when undertaken and observed, these things lead to harm and ill, abandon them…
Kalamas, when you know for yourselves: These are wholesome; these things are not blameworthy; these things are praised by the wise; undertaken and observed, these things lead to benefit and happiness, having undertaken them, abide in them.

Because we all know that there are things known by science such as the placebo effect which means faith in our body and our mind or even magic or religious objects actually can activate our body power and help healing faster without any active substances.

At the same time there are facts showing big risks using antibiotics, risks of very dangerous fungi infections and not surprisingly correlation between cancer and antibiotics, even if these scientific reports are normally suddenly changed by the ones who made them. I wonder why? Meditation will give you the answer. I am sure.

Anyway. So most scientists who would investigate things deeper, like real scientists actually should, would at least suspect that eating antibiotics may cause other illnesses. Furthermore. To be healthy and prevent illness it might be good to live healthy and eat healthy.

Some scientists actually do exactly that and give advice on what to eat too. Yes. We know pretty much what to eat and drink to prevent illness. Some of these real scientists actually become independent scientists deciding to give correct advice and give as complete information as they can and include their own speculations. Some of them use alternative methods on themselves too because they feel they work for them and they also see benefits on their friends too. These are the scientists that deserves to call themselves scientists in my opinion.

Now. I do want to add there is a new “new age” industry too with its own blind belief out there. This is actually also an industry. So in the end nobody saves us but ourselves. We are the ones who have to be our own critical scientists with the risk of getting worse or, if we chose wisely, become better.

Finally. Do not feel responsible for people who are determined to ruin their own lives! Just begin to keep your eyes on yourself! Be skeptical, but always positive and constructive! That will hopefully give you a long and happy life that can spread joy and love to all other beings too.

Best regards
Martin Gustavsson
Leader of Intelligent Union
Uniting logical intelligence with emotional intelligence – Because the brain has two halves.

Five things I ask of all who join Intelligent Union

1. Positivity

First. I quote Vernon Howard on this:

“Procrastination is illogical from every viewpoint. It is like the man who wanted to cross the stream, so he sat on the bank to wait for all the water to run by.”

It is obvious. With positivity things become possible. So. Positivity is the outcome of right mental movement. It does not mean that you have to be positive about bad things, but it means that you will contribute positively to make things better.

So. You must have healthy positive energy and confidence, not insane negativity that drags other people under and steals all their time, but energy that gives other people energy. If you know you are a complaining person, not happy with anything, constantly feeding of the positivity of others, being like a black hole, not learning not wanting to find positivity then we will still help you and your children through politics, but quite frankly, we are not interested in having you inside of our movement.

First solve your mental disorder, come in balance, maybe by just snapping out of it, maybe by reading about how to get happy and positive, maybe through meditation, and then come back when you are ready! If you are a positive person full of positive energy, then feel ready to read further! If you know you are not ready then please leave Intelligent Union!

2. Think correctly – Be awake – No blind belief

Your mind must not only be positive all in fluffy pink clouds of delusion. No. It must be be in order and ready to grow. This does not mean that you cannot have a personal belief in God, but it means that you are no longer using any type of religion as your base for finding the truth. If “God” for you is truth, pure love and unity then this will work fine, but if it is a religious text written by people long ago, then forget it!

Gautama Buddha, after becoming awake, could clearly not have been a follower of fantasies and superstitious practices of Buddhism and this quote from Gautama Buddha proves it:

Do not go by revelation;
Do not go by tradition;
Do not go by hearsay;
Do not go on the authority of sacred texts;
Do not go on the grounds of pure logic;
Do not go by a view that seems rational;
Do not go by reflecting on mere appearances;
Do not go along with a considered view because you agree with it;
Do not go along on the grounds that the person is competent;
Do not go along because “the recluse is our teacher.”
Kalamas, when you yourselves know: These things are unwholesome, these things are blameworthy; these things are censured by the wise; and when undertaken and observed, these things lead to harm and ill, abandon them…
Kalamas, when you know for yourselves: These are wholesome; these things are not blameworthy; these things are praised by the wise; undertaken and observed, these things lead to benefit and happiness, having undertaken them, abide in them.

It clearly means you cannot be a blind follower of almost anything, not even science or Intelligent Union and absolutely not a blind follower of me, the leader in the party. No. You must love the truth and you must consequently love to be wrong in order to be able to be a member of Intelligent Union.

So, in fact, most of the ones who join this party must first drop almost all ideas about everything and begin new. You must now investigate things BEFORE you have opinions about them!

I repeat it because it is important. You must now begin to investigate things BEFORE you have opinions about them!!!! This means that when you are wrong you must change and when Intelligent Union is wrong we must change and if one day the Intelligent Union does not change when it is wrong you must leave it and make a better Intelligent Union just like I left many political movement not wanting to see the truth as it is !!!

That’s right. Do absolutely not work with people living in delusion! You do not want to have endless discussions with people who have beliefs based on no substance. Work together with people with a scientific mind as well as an open awake mind that can see possibilities!

We do not claim that science or people claiming to be scientist or people with an open awake mind are always correct. No. Science and awake people are being proven wrong again and again. This is a natural part of this process. All is likely or less likely in our quest for the truth.

New scientific evidence and awake peoples theories has been replaced by evidence that clarifies and brings us closer to the truth. What we all agree on is that basic scientific method, open awake minds and deliberative discourse is essential. We must all be open for change if proven wrong.

To further explain what it is to think correctly give you a quote from Jiddu Krishnamurti:

“If the psychological house is in disorder, if what you are is in disorder, what is the point of meditating? It is just an escape. It leads to all kinds of illusions. “

I re-write Krishnamurti’s text in a more positive way:

If your mind is in order there is real reason to meditate or do introspection. Meditation is a way to see the truth. It leads us to better analysis and more likely conclusions.

So, you must, as a member, first study some psychology and some philosophy in order to be able to think correctly and you can not be a blind follower of any religion, ideology or political movement. If you are, then move away from it all for a while and do meditation in solitude!

3. Meditation / Introspection

First. Yoga is not meditation. Yoga is preparing the body for meditation. Your body is the vessel of your mind so yoga can be very beneficial, but acrobatic extremes are naturally pointless or even dangerous for your happiness and your health, but clearly you must meditate or do introspection often to become intelligent.

Meditation and introspection has many benefits for a mind in order. It helps you to find new creative solutions to unresolved problems. It helps you to see the holistic perspective more clearly. It helps you to be relaxed and find pure love inside. It helps you to see things in a long-term perspective and it reduces the ego and give rise to altruistic action.

Meditation might even bring you in direct contact with God or at least with the emotional experience of something that can be labeled as “God”, “pure love”, “unity” or “higher truth”, no matter if this sensation created Universe or not.

Personally I have experienced God and wishes coming true asking Universe for help, but my own experience could also be explained by psychological terms like “euphoria”, “self-fulfilling prophecy”, “goal orientation” just as well as by other terms found in “new age” books.

A nice quote from Jiddu Krishnamurti:

“What is important in meditation is the quality of the mind and the heart.”

…and what I do believe Jiddu Krishnamurti means with “heart” is the emotional awareness and the feeling of oneness that we call “Pure Love” or altruism.

4. Pure Love

You must have a pure love for yourself, but also for nature, animals and the future generations. Pure love is not passionate love, it is not clinging, wanting, grabbing like a nervous monkey.

I quote Jiddu Krishnamurti on love:

“Even the love of a mother for her child is not love. If the mother really loved her child, do you think the world would be like this? She would see that he had the right food, the right education, that he was sensitive, that he appreciated beauty, that he was not ambitious, greedy, envious. So the mother, however much she may think she loves her child, does not love the child.”

To make this clear. If you love nature, animals, your own child and the future generations you will contribute actively to create a world in balance. You will not only put garbage in the right container fooling yourself that you did enough and at the same time ignore other important scientific facts and other important actions.

You will definitely not belong to a hypocritical religion overpopulating the world with more of the same kind of idiots praising the actions of for example Jesus and then doing the opposite of his teachings. No, my friend, if you claim you know what love is, you will do your best to help all children of the world long-term to become more intelligent, healthy and in balance with nature.

If you are not a hypocrite, then you will do your best to make all children all have good education and thereby making them free thinkers and you will do your best to make them develop kindness and you will make sure that they all appreciate beauty and that they find a sense of oneness and generosity towards each other and with such a pure love in you action will come automatically.

5. Action

So, if you enter the party, and actually find that you are doing all the steps above but not doing any pure loving long-term actions then at least one of them is not right.

A good qoute from Jiddu Krishnamurti:

“One can go on endlessly reading, discussing, piling up words upon words, without ever doing anything about it. It is like a man that is always ploughing, never sowing, and therefore never reaping.”

– So if you join and then make no effort on a daily basis then quickly make sure you do it right and find it! Find the positivity, be awake and open minded, do meditation, find pure love and then act on it! Reach out in all ways imaginable to reach the end goal! Be outrageous if needed but do try new things if other thing does not work! Have no shame or regrets! The only one to be ashamed is the one who does not try his or her very best in every moment of action! Act with full power and confidence because you know what the end result is if we don’t succeed and you know what a ecological paradise we can create if we do succeed.

Best regards
Martin Gustavsson
Leader of Intelligent Union

Chart showing not enough food to feed the world

In the Washington posts wonkblog I read about a terrifying chart that shows we’re not growing enough food to feed the world.

We already know about the mathematics why this is happening, we also have the archaeological facts about what is to come and we have had it for quite some time, but the politicians, the scientists and YOU are NOT acting on the knowledge. Why?

I am. Now!

1. Understand the problem deeply before you have any opinions! NOT FLEEINGLY!
2. Join me or be part of the problem!

Best regards
Martin Gustavsson
Leader of Intelligent Union

Atheism can replace religion but there is one more BIG condition

In Psychology today I read about Why Atheism Will Replace Religion.

And must reluctantly say that I disagree. I would love to agree, but the world is actually running out of resources and the population is unfortunatly still growing.

This means that we, my dear scientists, must first organize and support this Intelligent Union movement politically to solve the problem so that we can give the people a high living standard and balance with nature at the same time.

If we are successful, then civilisation will stay intact and not end like Easter Island. If you do nothing, then you are part of the problem, my dear scientist. That is not an opinion. It is a mathematical fact…and if that was too hard for you, here is a quick one.

Best regards
Martin Gustavsson