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A revelation from God – Jujitsu and Chess to the religious – Peace to the enlightened

Motivated by His Holiness Martin Tomas Aldor Gustavsson member of Intelligent Union I am reading Julian Cribb & Associates Discussion Paper “The coming Famine” and it confirms previous writings in this blog with clear facts and evidence.

It also supplies me with Jonathan Swift’s interesting dictum:

“And he gave it for his opinion that whoever could make two ears of corn or two blades of grass to grow upon a spot of ground where only one grew before, would deserve better of mankind, and do more essential service to his country than the whole race of politicians put together.”  (Jonathon Swift, Gulliver’s Travels, 1726)

But in my opinion Swift was a little bit too swift in his conclusions.

If he had fully an deeply understood the exponential function (growth) his conclusion might have been far more enlightened. Because dobling of the population through dobling of harvest will just lead to the same challange all over again. You do not exactly have to be a mathematical genious to understand this, however you must be awake and not too swift, not fleetingly pass the truth by, but deeply understand it.

When you deeply understand the logical conclusion, then it is evident that any leader who enables down-growth of the population would do more essential service to their country and the whole world than the whole race of todays growth-promoting politicians and any agricultural scientists put together.

Furthermore the logical conclusion must be that any politician who protects his country’s land from mass-immigration and over-population has not only made his own country a great service, but also will enable his own country to help other countries when they begin to deal with their own down-growth of population, absolutely not by feeding the starving in a short term aimless way like some do today, but by beeing a good example and an inspiration for the suffering nations who must wake up and change their own cultures into mindful ones.

In my opinion “food for sterilisation” is a humane way and also humane in long term perspective compared to suffering slow death through famine or mutilation through war. Even swift execution by guillotine in a millisecond and cannibalism seems less inhumane than famine to me. Maybe it is not politically correct to compare suffering like this, but it is however a really honest reflection worth considering, in my opinion.

So what does religious people have to say about this?

Well, I found something very interesting in a paper with the same name, “The coming Famine” from the Unity In Christ.

I quote:

“That kingdom, when established, will permanently solve the world’s food
verses population problem, and not by limiting world populations, which
will virtually explode in that age to come. … Maybe God can show us through his Son how to do it right, when he returns to earth.”

They, who seem to believe that unity is not a binary word but can be attached to Christ, basically keep encouraging over-population and hoping that God will come to this earth and solve the problem for them. Hm… Hm…. Maybe I can help them? Sometimes I believe there is something higher speaking through me.

Ok. I pray to God that we find a good way! Thankfulness in advance that I will see the opportunities when they arise!

Aha! Suddenly God spoke to me! Thankfulness! God told me that we should arrange challanges for people who want to have many babies, so that they may compete against each other in a way so that one baby will result in the weak meeting with God. In this way God would like to keep humans in balanced numbers and perfect us according to natures principals.

Hm… maybe it is not the answer you might like to hear, or were expecting, but it does however enable everybody to do their thing until God arrives, avoiding abortion, since a competition like this is not considered as bad as abortion because the involved has a choice and a possibility to win with God’s help if they are not ready to meet him.

I believe many who dislike abortion will like this solution much better. Haleluleja!

The win for a skilled person wanting one more baby will occur by the death of two others. If for example two couples want one more child then two adult persons has to “meet God”.

It can be completley bloodless, relativley swift, humane and according to the principals of nature if for example the rules of Jujitsu are applied and if the technique of choke-out is used.

Wich person that is the chosen one to “meet God” is thus determined by god himself in every moment.

People who are against violence might want to choose alternative methods where other challanges, like for example chess, will determine the outcome, where for example sedation and injections are used to make the weak “meet with God”.

The Enlightened Baby from Dagens Glada Nyheter in direct contact with God